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By the end of 2001, 10 renovation projects had been completed in Guangzhou
With a total gross floor area of over 2,500,000 square meters
In 2002, won the then biggest open bidding land in China at RMB3.2 billion – now Beijing R&F City
Listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2005
R&F created a new model in real estate development
R&F entered into commercial property by seizing on development opportunities in city CBDs
Its diversified business and trade model is unique
In response to the "going out" strategy to expand overseas
And become a multinational real estate development company
In 2017, R&F acquired over 70 hotels from Wanda Commercial
Becoming the world's leading owner of luxury hotels
Entering the innovative "Internet+" industry and trade, healthcare, science and technology, culture and sports and tourism and other businesses
Striving for the better living of people